View all text of Subjgrp 32 [§ 405.1000 - § 405.1058]

§ 405.1016 - Time frames for deciding an appeal of a QIC reconsideration or escalated request for a QIC reconsideration.

(a) Adjudication period for appeals of QIC reconsiderations. When a request for an ALJ hearing is filed after a QIC has issued a reconsideration, an ALJ or attorney adjudicator issues a decision, dismissal order, or remand to the QIC, as appropriate, no later than the end of the 90 calendar day period beginning on the date the request for hearing is received by the office specified in the QIC's notice of reconsideration, unless the 90 calendar day period has been extended as provided in this subpart.

(b) When the adjudication period begins. (1) Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, the adjudication period specified in paragraph (a) of this section begins on the date that a timely filed request for hearing is received by the office specified in the QIC's reconsideration, or, if it is not timely filed, the date that the ALJ or attorney adjudicator grants any extension to the filing deadline.

(2) If the Council remands a case and the case was subject to an adjudication time frame under paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, the remanded appeal will be subject to the adjudication time frame of paragraph (a) of this section beginning on the date that OMHA receives the Council remand.

(c) Adjudication period for escalated requests for QIC reconsiderations. When an appeal is escalated to OMHA because the QIC has not issued a reconsideration determination within the period specified in § 405.970, an ALJ or attorney adjudicator issues a decision, dismissal order, or remand to the QIC, as appropriate, no later than the end of the 180 calendar day period beginning on the date that the request for escalation is received by OMHA in accordance with § 405.970, unless the 180 calendar day period is extended as provided in this subpart.

(d) Waivers and extensions of adjudication period. (1) At any time during the adjudication process, the appellant may waive the adjudication period specified in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. The waiver may be for a specific period of time agreed upon by the ALJ or attorney adjudicator and the appellant.

(2) The adjudication periods specified in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section are extended as otherwise specified in this subpart, and for the following events—

(i) The duration of a stay of action on adjudicating the claims or matters at issue ordered by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction; or

(ii) The duration of a stay of proceedings granted by an ALJ or attorney adjudicator on a motion by an appellant, provided no other party also filed a request for hearing on the same claim at issue.

(e) Effect of exceeding adjudication period. If an ALJ or attorney adjudicator fails to issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand to the QIC within an adjudication period specified in this section, subject to paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section, the party that filed the request for hearing may escalate the appeal in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section. If the party that filed the request for hearing does not elect to escalate the appeal, the appeal remains pending with OMHA for a decision, dismissal order, or remand.

(f) Requesting escalation—(1) When and how to request escalation. An appellant who files a timely request for hearing before an ALJ and whose appeal continues to be pending with OMHA at the end of the applicable adjudication period under paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, subject to paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section, may exercise the option of escalating the appeal to the Council by filing a written request with OMHA to escalate the appeal to the Council and sending a copy of the request to escalate to the other parties who were sent a copy of the QIC reconsideration.

(2) Escalation. If the request for escalation meets the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section and an ALJ or attorney adjudicator is not able to issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand order within the later of 5 calendar days of receiving the request for escalation, or 5 calendar days from the end of the applicable adjudication period set forth in paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, subject to paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section, OMHA will take the following actions—

(i) Send a notice to the appellant stating that an ALJ or attorney adjudicator is not able to issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand order within the adjudication period set forth in paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, the QIC reconsideration will be the decision that is subject to Council review consistent with § 405.1102(a), and the appeal will be escalated to the Council for a review in accordance with § 405.1108; and

(ii) Forward the case file to the Council.

(3) Invalid escalation request. If an ALJ or attorney adjudicator determines the request for escalation does not meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section, OMHA will send a notice to the appellant explaining why the request is invalid within 5 calendar days of receiving the request for escalation.

[82 FR 5113, Jan. 17, 2017]