View all text of Subjgrp 86 [§ 512.355 - § 512.390]
§ 512.385 - PPA exclusions.
(a) ESRD facilities. CMS excludes an aggregation group (as described in § 512.365(e)(1) of Subsidiary ESRD facilities with fewer than 11 attributed ESRD beneficiary years during an MY from the applicability of the Facility PPA for the corresponding PPA Period. CMS excludes ESRD facilities that are not Subsidiary ESRD facilities with fewer than 11 attributed ESRD beneficiary years during an MY from the applicability of the Facility PPA for the corresponding PPA Period.
(b) Managing Clinicians. CMS excludes an aggregation group (as described in § 512.365(e)(2)) of Managing Clinicians with fewer than 11 attributed ESRD beneficiary years during an MY from the applicability of the Clinician PPA for the corresponding PPA Period.