- SUBPART A [§ 423.1 - § 423.6] - Subpart A—General Provisions
- SUBPART B [§ 423.30 - § 423.56] - Subpart B—Eligibility and Enrollment
- SUBPART C [§ 423.100 - § 423.136] - Subpart C—Benefits and Beneficiary Protections
- SUBPART D [§ 423.150 - § 423.186] - Subpart D—Cost Control and Quality Improvement Requirements
- SUBPART E - Subpart E [Reserved]
- SUBPART F [§ 423.251 - § 423.294] - Subpart F—Submission of Bids and Monthly Beneficiary Premiums; Plan Approval
- SUBPART G [§ 423.301 - § 423.360] - Subpart G—Payments to Part D Plan Sponsors For Qualified Prescription Drug Coverage
- SUBPART H - Subpart H [Reserved]
- SUBPART I [§ 423.401 - § 423.440] - Subpart I—Organization Compliance with State Law and Preemption by Federal Law
- SUBPART J [§ 423.452 - § 423.466] - Subpart J—Coordination of Part D Plans With Other Prescription Drug Coverage
- SUBPART K [§ 423.500 - § 423.530] - Subpart K—Application Procedures and Contracts with Part D plan sponsors
- SUBPART L [§ 423.551 - § 423.553] - Subpart L—Effect of Change of Ownership or Leasing of Facilities During Term of Contract
- SUBPART M [§ 423.558 - § 423.638] - Subpart M—Grievances, Coverage Determinations, Redeterminations, and Reconsiderations
- SUBPART N [§ 423.641 - § 423.668] - Subpart N—Medicare Contract Determinations and Appeals
- SUBPART O [§ 423.750 - § 423.764] - Subpart O—Intermediate Sanctions
- SUBPART P [§ 423.771 - § 423.800] - Subpart P—Premiums and Cost-Sharing Subsidies for Low-Income Individuals
- SUBPART Q [§ 423.851 - § 423.875] - Subpart Q—Guaranteeing Access to a Choice of Coverage (Fallback Prescription Drug Plans)
- SUBPART R [§ 423.880 - § 423.894] - Subpart R—Payments to Sponsors of Retiree Prescription Drug Plans
- SUBPART S [§ 423.900 - § 423.910] - Subpart S—Special Rules for States-Eligibility Determinations for Subsidies and General Payment Provisions
- SUBPART T [§ 423.1000 - § 423.1094] - Subpart T—Appeal Procedures for Civil Money Penalties
- SUBPART U [§ 423.1968 - § 423.2140] - Subpart U—Reopening, ALJ Hearings and ALJ and Attorney Adjudicator Decisions, Council Review, and Judicial Review
- SUBPART V [§ 423.2260 - § 423.2276] - Subpart V—Part D Communication Requirements
- SUBPART W [§ 423.2300 - § 423.2345] - Subpart W—Medicare Coverage Gap Discount Program
- SUBPART X [§ 423.2400 - § 423.2490] -
- SUBPART Y [§ 423.2500 - § 423.2536] - Subpart Y—Transitional Coverage and Retroactive Medicare Part D Coverage for Certain Low-Income Beneficiaries Through the Limited Income Newly Eligible Transition (LI NET) Program
- SUBPART Z [§ 423.2600 - § 423.2615] -