View all text of Subjgrp 1041 [§ 62.15010 - § 62.15035]

§ 62.15035 - Is my small municipal waste combustion unit subject to different requirements based on plant capacity?

This subpart specifies different requirements for two different subcategories of municipal waste combustion units. These two subcategories are based on aggregate capacity of the municipal waste combustion plant as defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(a) Class I units. These are small municipal waste combustion units that are located at municipal waste combustion plants with aggregate plant combustion capacity greater than 250 tons per day of municipal solid waste. (See the definition of municipal waste combustion plant capacity in § 62.15410 for specification of which units at a plant are included in the aggregate capacity calculation.)

(b) Class II units. These are small municipal waste combustion units that are located at municipal waste combustion plants with aggregate plant combustion capacity of no more than 250 tons per day of municipal solid waste. (See the definition of municipal waste combustion plant capacity in § 62.15410 for specification of which units at a plant are included in the aggregate capacity calculation.)