View all text of Subjgrp 815 [§ 62.8102 - § 62.8102]

§ 62.8102 - Identification of plan.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) The plan was officially submitted and approved as follows:

(1) Part 224—“Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid Plants” of Title 6 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations effective May 10, 1984.

(2) Supplemental information submitted on March 29, 1985.

(c) Identification of sources. The plan includes the following plants:

(1) PVS Chemicals, Inc., Buffalo.

(2) Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester.

(d) The plan is approved with the provision that for existing sources any variance or compliance date extension from the provisions of part 224, “Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid Plants,” or any text method other than specified in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, approved by the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation must be submitted and approved as a plan revision.

[50 FR 41137, Oct. 9, 1985]