View all text of Subjgrp 758 [§ 62.6363 - § 62.6363]

§ 62.6363 - Identification of plan.

(a) On September 20, 2013, EPA received the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) section 111(d)/129 plan for implementation and enforcement of 40 CFR part 60, subpart MMMM, Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units.

(b) Identification of sources: The plan applies to existing sewage sludge incineration (SSI) units that:

(1) Commenced construction on or before October 14, 2010, or

(2) Commenced a modification on or before September 21, 2011, primarily to comply with Missouri's plan, and

(3) Meets the definition of a SSI unit defined in MDNR's plan

(c) The effective date of the plan for existing sewage sludge incineration units is February 5, 2013.

(1) A revision to Missouri's 111(d) plan to incorporate state regulation 10 CSR 10-6.191 Sewage Sludge Incinerators was state effective May 30, 2013. The effective date of the amended plan is November 16, 2015.

(2) [Reserved]

[80 FR 55550, Sept. 16, 2015]