View all text of Subjgrp 350 [§ 60.5840b - § 60.5850b]
§ 60.5850b - What EGUs are excluded from being affected EGUs?
EGUs that are excluded from being affected EGUs are:
(a) New or reconstructed steam generating units that are subject to subpart TTTT of this part as a result of commencing construction after the subpart TTTT applicability date;
(b) Modified natural gas- or oil-fired steam generating units that are subject to subpart TTTT of this part as a result of commencing modification after the subpart TTTT applicability date;
(c) Modified coal-fired steam generating units that are subject to subpart TTTTa of this part as a result of commencing modification after the subpart TTTTa applicability date;
(d) EGUs subject to a federally enforceable permit limiting net-electric sales to one-third or less of their potential electric output or 219,000 MWh or less on an annual basis and annual net-electric sales have never exceeded one-third or less of their potential electric output or 219,000 MWh;
(e) Non-fossil fuel units (i.e., units that are capable of deriving at least 50 percent of heat input from non-fossil fuel at the base load rating) that are subject to a federally enforceable permit limiting fossil fuel use to 10 percent or less of the annual capacity factor;
(f) CHP units that are subject to a federally enforceable permit limiting annual net-electric sales to no more than either 219,000 MWh or the product of the design efficiency and the potential electric output, whichever is greater;
(g) Units that serve a generator along with other EGUs, where the effective generation capacity (determined based on a prorated output of the base load rating of each EGU) is 25 MW or less;
(h) Municipal waste combustor units subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart Eb;
(i) Commercial or industrial solid waste incineration units that are subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC; or
(j) EGUs that derive greater than 50 percent of the heat input from an industrial process that does not produce any electrical or mechanical output or useful thermal output that is used outside the affected EGU.
(k) Existing coal-fired steam generating units that have demonstrated that they plan to permanently cease operations before January 1, 2032, pursuant to § 60.5740b(a)(9)(ii).