View all text of Subjgrp 350 [§ 60.5840b - § 60.5850b]
§ 60.5845b - What affected EGUs must I address in my State plan?
(a) The EGUs that must be addressed by your State plan are:
(1) Any affected EGUs that were in operation or had commenced construction on or before January 8, 2014;
(2) Coal-fired steam generating units that commenced a modification on or before May 23, 2023.
(b) An affected EGU is a steam generating unit that meets the relevant applicability conditions specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (2) of this section, as applicable, except as provided in § 60.5850b.
(1) Serves a generator capable of selling greater than 25 MW to a utility power distribution system; and
(2) Has a base load rating (i.e., design heat input capacity) greater than 260 GJ/hr (250 MMBtu/hr) heat input of fossil fuel (either alone or in combination with any other fuel).