View all text of Subjgrp 344 [§ 60.5515a - § 60.5525a]

§ 60.5525a - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?

Combustion turbines qualifying under § 60.5520a(d)(1) are not subject to any requirements in this section other than the requirement to maintain fuel purchase records for permitted fuel(s). For all other affected sources, compliance with the applicable CO2 emission standard of this subpart shall be determined on a 12-operating-month rolling average basis. See table 1 to this subpart for the applicable CO2 emission standards.

(a) You must be in compliance with the emission standards in this subpart that apply to your affected EGU at all times. However, you must determine compliance with the emission standards only at the end of the applicable operating month, as provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(1) For each affected EGU subject to a CO2 emissions standard based on a 12-operating-month rolling average, you must determine compliance monthly by calculating the average CO2 emissions rate for the affected EGU at the end of the initial and each subsequent 12-operating-month period.

(2) Consistent with § 60.5520a(d)(2), if your affected stationary combustion turbine is subject to an input-based CO2 emissions standard, you must determine the total heat input in GJ or MMBtu from natural gas (HTIPng) and the total heat input from all other fuels combined (HTIPo) using one of the methods under § 60.5535a(d)(2). You must then use the following equation to determine the applicable emissions standard during the compliance period:

Equation 1 to Paragraph (a)(2) Where: CO2 emission standard = the emission standard during the compliance period in units of kg/GJ (or lb/MMBtu). HTIPng = the heat input in GJ (or MMBtu) from natural gas. HTIPo = the heat input in GJ (or MMBtu) from all fuels other than natural gas. 50 = allowable emission rate in lb kg/GJ for heat input derived from natural gas (use 120 if electing to demonstrate compliance using lb CO2/MMBtu). 69 = allowable emission rate in lb kg/GJ for heat input derived from all fuels other than natural gas (use 160 if electing to demonstrate compliance using lb CO2/MMBtu).

(3) Owners/operators of a base load combustion turbine with a base load rating of less than 2,110 GJ/h (2,000 MMBtu/h) and/or an intermediate or base load combustion turbine burning fuels other than natural gas may elect to determine a site-specific emissions rate using one of the following equations. Combustion turbines co-firing hydrogen are not required to use the fuel adjustment parameter.

(i) For base load combustion turbines:

Equation 2 to Paragraph (a)(3)(i) Where: CO2 emission standard = the emission standard during the compliance period in units of kg/MWh (or lb/MWh) BLERL = Base load emissions standard for natural gas-fired combustion turbines with base load ratings greater than 2,110 GJ/h (2,000 MMBtu/h). 360 kg CO2/MWh-gross (800 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 370 kg CO2/MWh-net (820 lb CO2/MWh-net); 43 kg CO2/MWh-gross (100 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 42 kg CO2/MWh-net (97 lb CO2/MWh-net); as applicable BLERS = Base load emissions standard for natural gas-fired combustion turbines with a base load rating of 260 GJ/h (250 MMBtu/h). 410 kg CO2/MWh-gross (900 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 420 kg CO2/MWh-net (920 lb CO2/MWh-net); 49 kg CO2/MWh-gross (108 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 50 kg CO2/MWh-net (110 lb CO2/MWh-net); as applicable BLRL = Minimum base load rating of large combustion turbines 2,110 GJ/h (2,000 MMBtu/h) BLRS = Base load rating of smallest combustion turbine 260 GJ/h (250 MMBtu/h) BLRA = Base load rating of the actual combustion turbine in GJ/h (or MMBtu/h) HIERA = Heat input-based emissions rate of the actual fuel burned in the combustion turbine (lb CO2/MMBtu). Not to exceed 69 kg/GJ (160 lb CO2/MMBtu) HIERNG = Heat input-based emissions rate of natural gas 50 kg/GJ (120 lb CO2/MMBtu)

(ii) For intermediate load combustion turbines:

Equation 3 to Paragraph (a)(3)(ii) Where: CO2 emission standard = the emission standard during the compliance period in units of kg/MWh (or lb/MWh) ILER = Intermediate load emissions rate for natural gas-fired combustion turbines. 520 kg/MWh-gross (1,150 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 530 kg CO2/MWh-net (1,160 lb CO2/MWh-net) or 450 kg/MWh-gross (1,100 lb CO2/MWh-gross) or 460 kg CO2/MWh-net (1,110 lb CO2/MWh-net) as applicable HIERA = Heat input-based emissions rate of the actual fuel burned in the combustion turbine (lb CO2/MMBtu). Not to exceed 69 kg/GJ (160 lb CO2/MMBtu) HIERNG = Heat input-based emissions rate of natural gas 50 kg/GJ (120 lb CO2/MMBtu)

(b) At all times you must operate and maintain each affected EGU, including associated equipment and monitors, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practice. The Administrator will determine if you are using consistent operation and maintenance procedures based on information available to the Administrator that may include, but is not limited to, fuel use records, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures and records, review of reports required by this subpart, and inspection of the EGU.

(c) Within 30 days after the end of the initial compliance period (i.e., no more than 30 days after the first 12-operating-month compliance period), you must make an initial compliance determination for your affected EGU(s) with respect to the applicable emissions standard in table 1 to this subpart, in accordance with the requirements in this subpart. The first operating month included in the initial 12-operating-month compliance period shall be determined as follows:

(1) For an affected EGU that commences commercial operation (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2), the first month of the initial compliance period shall be the first operating month (as defined in § 60.5580a) after the calendar month in which emissions reporting is required to begin under:

(i) Section 60.5555a(c)(3)(i), for units subject to the Acid Rain Program; or

(ii) Section 60.5555a(c)(3)(ii), for units that are not in the Acid Rain Program.

(2) For a modified or reconstructed EGU that becomes subject to this subpart, the first month of the initial compliance period shall be the first operating month (as defined in § 60.5580a) after the calendar month in which emissions reporting is required to begin under § 60.5555a(c)(3)(iii).

(3) Emissions of CO2 emitted by your affected facility and the output of the affected facility generated when it operated during a system emergency as defined in § 60.5580a are excluded for both applicability and compliance with the relevant standards of performance if you can sufficiently provide the documentation listed in § 60.5560a(i). The relevant standard of performance for affected EGUs that operate during a system emergency depends on the subcategory, as described in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) For intermediate and base load combustion turbines that operate during a system emergency, you comply with the standard for low load combustion turbines specified in table 1 to this subpart.

(ii) For modified steam generating units, you must not discharge from the affected EGU any gases that contain CO2 in excess of 230 lb CO2/MMBtu.