- Table 2 to Subpart OOO of Part 60—Stack Emission Limits for Affected Facilities With Capture Systems
For * * * | The owner or operator must meet a PM limit of * * * | And the owner or operator must meet an opacity limit of * * * | The owner or operator must demonstrate compliance with these limits by conducting * * * | Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after August 31, 1983 but before April 22, 2008 | 0.05 g/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf) a | 7 percent for dry control devices b | An initial performance test according to § 60.8 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart; and
Monitoring of wet scrubber parameters according to § 60.674(a) and § 60.676(c), (d), and (e). | Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commence construction, modification, or reconstruction on or after April 22, 2008 | 0.032 g/dscm (0.014 gr/dscf) a | Not applicable (except for individual enclosed storage bins)
7 percent for dry control devices on individual enclosed storage bins | An initial performance test according to § 60.8 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart; and
Monitoring of wet scrubber parameters according to § 60.674(a) and § 60.676(c), (d), and (e); and | Monitoring of baghouses according to § 60.674(c), (d), or (e) and § 60.676(b). |
a Exceptions to the PM limit apply for individual enclosed storage bins and other equipment. See § 60.672(d) through (f).
b The stack opacity limit and associated opacity testing requirements do not apply for affected facilities using wet scrubbers.