- Table 1 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60—Designated Facility Presumptive Standards and Regulated Entity Compliance Dates

Designated facility Model rule presumptive standards section Regulated entity compliance dates Wellsa. Gas wells liquids unloading events—§ 60.5390c b. Associated gas wells—§ 60.5391c36 months after the state plan submittal deadline specified in § 60.5362c(c). Centrifugal Compressors§ 60.5392c Reciprocating Compressors§ 60.5393c Process Controllers§ 60.5394c Pumps§ 60.5395c Storage Vessels§ 60.5396c Fugitive Emissions Componentsa. Primary standards—§ 60.5397c b. Alternative standards for fugitive emissions components and covers and closed vent systems—§ 60.5398c Super Emitter Events§ 60.5388c Process Unit Equipmenta. Onshore natural gas processing plants—§ 60.5400c b. Process unit equipment alternative standards—§ 60.5401c c. Process unit equipment requirement exceptions—§ 60.5402c
[89 FR 62948, Aug. 1, 2024]
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