- Table 1 to Subpart OOOO of Part 60—Required Minimum Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zi)

H2S content of acid gas (Y), % Sulfur feed rate (X), LT/D 2.0 ≤ X ≤ 5.0 5.0 < X ≤ 15.0 15.0 < X ≤ 300.0 X > 300.0 Y ≥ 5079.088.51X 0.0101Y 0.0125 or 99.9, whichever is smaller. 20 ≤ Y < 5079.088.51X 0.0101Y 0.0125 or 97.9, whichever is smaller97.9 10 ≤ Y < 2079.088.51X 0.0101Y 0.0125 or 93.5, whichever is smaller93.593.5 Y < 1079.
[78 FR 58447, Sept. 23, 2013]