- Table 1 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60—NOX, CO, and VOC Emission Standards for Stationary Non-Emergency SI Engines ≥100 HP (Except Gasoline and Rich Burn LPG), Stationary SI Landfill/Digester Gas Engines, and Stationary Emergency Engines >25 HP

Engine type and fuel Maximum engine power Manufacture date Emission standards ag/HP-hr ppmvd at 15% O2NOXCO VOC dNOXCO VOC dNon-Emergency SI Natural Gas b and Non-Emergency SI Lean Burn LPG b100≤HP<5007/1/20082.04.01.016054086 1/1/20111.02.00.78227060 Non-Emergency SI Lean Burn Natural Gas and LPG500≤HP<1,3501/1/20082.04.01.016054086 7/1/20101.02.00.78227060 Non-Emergency SI Natural Gas and Non-Emergency SI Lean Burn LPG (except lean burn 500≤HP<1,350)HP≥5007/1/20072.04.01.016054086 HP≥5007/1/20101.02.00.78227060 Landfill/Digester Gas (except lean burn 500≤HP<1,350)HP<5007/1/20083.05.01.022061080 1/1/20112.05.01.015061080 HP≥5007/1/20073.05.01.022061080 7/1/20102.05.01.015061080 Landfill/Digester Gas Lean Burn500≤HP<1,3501/1/20083.05.01.022061080 7/1/20102.05.01.015061080 Emergency25<HP<1301/1/2009c 10387N/AN/AN/AN/A HP≥1302.04.01.016054086

a Owners and operators of stationary non-certified SI engines may choose to comply with the emission standards in units of either g/HP-hr or ppmvd at 15 percent O2.

b Owners and operators of new or reconstructed non-emergency lean burn SI stationary engines with a site rating of greater than or equal to 250 brake HP located at a major source that are meeting the requirements of 40 CFR part 63, subpart ZZZZ, Table 2a do not have to comply with the CO emission standards of Table 1 of this subpart.

c The emission standards applicable to emergency engines between 25 HP and 130 HP are in terms of NOX + HC.

d For purposes of this subpart, when calculating emissions of volatile organic compounds, emissions of formaldehyde should not be included.

[76 FR 37975, June 28, 2011]
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