View all text of Subjgrp 277 [§ 60.4208 - § 60.4209]

§ 60.4209 - What are the monitoring requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?

If you are an owner or operator, you must meet the monitoring requirements of this section. In addition, you must also meet the monitoring requirements specified in § 60.4211.

(a) If you are an owner or operator of an emergency stationary CI internal combustion engine that does not meet the standards applicable to non-emergency engines, you must install a non-resettable hour meter prior to startup of the engine.

(b) If you are an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine equipped with a diesel particulate filter to comply with the emission standards in § 60.4204, the diesel particulate filter must be installed with a backpressure monitor that notifies the owner or operator when the high backpressure limit of the engine is approached.

[71 FR 39172, July 11, 2006, as amended at 76 FR 37969, June 28, 2011]