Subpart AAAA. Subpart AAAA—Standards of Performance for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 6, 2001
- SECTION § 60.1010 - Does this subpart apply to my municipal waste combustion unit?
- SECTION § 60.1015 - What is a new municipal waste combustion unit?
- SECTION § 60.1020 - Does this subpart allow any exemptions?
- SECTION § 60.1025 - Do subpart E new source performance standards also apply to my municipal waste combustion unit?
- SECTION § 60.1030 - Can the Administrator delegate authority to enforce these Federal new source performance standards to a State agency?
- SECTION § 60.1035 - How are these new source performance standards structured?
- SECTION § 60.1040 - Do all five components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
- SECTION § 60.1045 - Are there different subcategories of small municipal waste combustion units within this subpart?
Preconstruction Requirements: Materials Separation Plan
- SECTION § 60.1050 - Who must submit a materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1055 - What is a materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1060 - What steps must I complete for my materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1065 - What must I include in my draft materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1070 - How do I make my draft materials separation plan available to the public?
- SECTION § 60.1075 - When must I accept comments on the materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1080 - Where and when must I hold a public meeting on my draft materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1085 - What must I do with any public comments I receive during the public comment period on my draft materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1090 - What must I do with my revised materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1095 - What must I include in the public meeting on my revised materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1100 - What must I do with any public comments I receive on my revised materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1105 - How do I submit my final materials separation plan?
Preconstruction Requirements: Siting Analysis
- SECTION § 60.1110 - Who must submit a siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1115 - What is a siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1120 - What steps must I complete for my siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1125 - What must I include in my siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1130 - How do I make my siting analysis available to the public?
- SECTION § 60.1135 - When must I accept comments on the siting analysis and revised materials separation plan?
- SECTION § 60.1140 - Where and when must I hold a public meeting on the siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1145 - What must I do with any public comments I receive during the public comment period on my siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1150 - How do I submit my siting analysis?
Good Combustion Practices: Operator Training
- SECTION § 60.1155 - What types of training must I do?
- SECTION § 60.1160 - Who must complete the operator training course? By when?
- SECTION § 60.1165 - Who must complete the plant-specific training course?
- SECTION § 60.1170 - What plant-specific training must I provide?
- SECTION § 60.1175 - What information must I include in the plant-specific operating manual?
- SECTION § 60.1180 - Where must I keep the plant-specific operating manual?
Good Combustion Practices: Operator Certification
- SECTION § 60.1185 - What types of operator certification must the chief facility operator and shift supervisor obtain and by when must they obtain it?
- SECTION § 60.1190 - After the required date for operator certification, who may operate the municipal waste combustion unit?
- SECTION § 60.1195 - What if all the certified operators must be temporarily offsite?
Good Combustion Practices: Operating Requirements
Emission Limits
Continuous Emission Monitoring
- SECTION § 60.1225 - What types of continuous emission monitoring must I perform?
- SECTION § 60.1230 - What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install for gaseous pollutants?
- SECTION § 60.1235 - How are the data from the continuous emission monitoring systems used?
- SECTION § 60.1240 - How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly?
- SECTION § 60.1245 - Am I exempt from any appendix B or appendix F requirements to evaluate continuous emission monitoring systems?
- SECTION § 60.1250 - What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems?
- SECTION § 60.1255 - What must I do if I choose to monitor carbon dioxide instead of oxygen as a diluent gas?
- SECTION § 60.1260 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
- SECTION § 60.1265 - How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into the appropriate averaging times and units?
- SECTION § 60.1270 - What is required for my continuous opacity monitoring system and how are the data used?
- SECTION § 60.1275 - What additional requirements must I meet for the operation of my continuous emission monitoring systems and continuous opacity monitoring system?
- SECTION § 60.1280 -
Stack Testing
- SECTION § 60.1285 - What types of stack tests must I conduct?
- SECTION § 60.1290 - How are the stack test data used?
- SECTION § 60.1295 - What schedule must I follow for the stack testing?
- SECTION § 60.1300 - What test methods must I use to stack test?
- SECTION § 60.1305 - May I conduct stack testing less often?
- SECTION § 60.1310 - May I deviate from the 13-month testing schedule if unforeseen circumstances arise?
Other Monitoring Requirements
- SECTION § 60.1315 - Must I meet other requirements for continuous monitoring?
- SECTION § 60.1320 - How do I monitor the load of my municipal waste combustion unit?
- SECTION § 60.1325 - How do I monitor the temperature of flue gases at the inlet of my particulate matter control device?
- SECTION § 60.1330 - How do I monitor the injection rate of activated carbon?
- SECTION § 60.1335 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous parameter monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
- SECTION § 60.1340 - What records must I keep?
- SECTION § 60.1345 - Where must I keep my records and for how long?
- SECTION § 60.1350 - What records must I keep for the materials separation plan and siting analysis?
- SECTION § 60.1355 - What records must I keep for operator training and certification?
- SECTION § 60.1360 - What records must I keep for stack tests?
- SECTION § 60.1365 - What records must I keep for continuously monitored pollutants or parameters?
- SECTION § 60.1370 - What records must I keep for municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon?
- SECTION § 60.1375 - What reports must I submit before I submit my notice of construction?
- SECTION § 60.1380 - What must I include in my notice of construction?
- SECTION § 60.1385 - What reports must I submit after I submit my notice of construction and in what form?
- SECTION § 60.1390 - What are the appropriate units of measurement for reporting my data?
- SECTION § 60.1395 - When must I submit the initial report?
- SECTION § 60.1400 - What must I include in my initial report?
- SECTION § 60.1405 - When must I submit the annual report?
- SECTION § 60.1410 - What must I include in my annual report?
- SECTION § 60.1415 - What must I do if I am out of compliance with the requirements of this subpart?
- SECTION § 60.1420 - If a semiannual report is required, when must I submit it?
- SECTION § 60.1425 - What must I include in the semiannual out-of-compliance reports?
- SECTION § 60.1430 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Air Curtain Incinerators that Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste
- SECTION § 60.1435 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
- SECTION § 60.1440 - What is yard waste?
- SECTION § 60.1445 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
- SECTION § 60.1450 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
- SECTION § 60.1455 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
- Table 1 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60—Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
- Table 2 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60—Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
- Table 3 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60—Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
- Table 4 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60—Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
- Table 5 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60—Requirements for Stack Tests