View all text of Subpart W [§ 421.250 - § 421.257]

§ 421.252 - Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.

Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable technology currently available:

(a) Smelter wet air pollution control.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/troy ounce of gold and silver smelted Lead0.5460.260 Mercury0.3250.130 Silver0.5330.221 Zinc1.8980.793 Gold0.130Oil and grease26.00015.600 Total suspended solids53.30025.350 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(b) Silver chloride reduction spent solution.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant of pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/troy ounce of silver reduced in solution Lead0.1680.080 Mercury0.1000.040 Silver0.1640.068 Zinc0.5840.244 Gold0.040Oil and grease8.0004.800 Total suspended solids16.4007.800 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(c) Electrolytic cells wet air pollution control.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/troy ounce of gold refined electrolytically Lead83.16039.600 Mercury49.50019.800 Silver81.18033.660 Zinc289.100120.800 Gold19.800Oil and grease3,960.0002,376.000 Total suspended solids8,118.0003,861.000 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(d) Electrolyte preparation wet air pollution control.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/troy ounce of silver in electrolyte produced Lead0.0210.010 Mercury0.0130.005 Silver0.0210.009 Zinc0.0730.031 Gold0.005Oil and Grease1.0000.600 Total suspended solids2.0500.975 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(e) Calciner wet air pollution control.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of mercury condensed Lead78.20037.240 Mercury46.55018.620 Silver76.34031.650 Zinc271.900113.600 Gold18.600Oil and Grease3,724.0002,234.000 Total suspended solids7,634.0003,631.000 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(f) Calcine quench water.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of mercury condensed Lead7.3923.520 Mercury4.4001.760 Silver7.2162.992 Zinc25.70010.740 Gold1.760Oil and Grease352.000211.200 Total suspended solids721.600343.200 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(g) Calciner stack gas contact cooling water.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of mercury condensed Lead1.7430.830 Mercury1.0380.415 Silver1.7020.706 Zinc6.0592.532 Gold0.415Oil and Grease83.00049.800 Total suspended solids170.20080.930 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(h) Condenser blowdown.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of mercury condensed Lead5.7962.760 Mercury3.4501.380 Silver5.6582.346 Zinc20.1508.418 Gold1.380Oil and Grease276.000165.600 Total suspended solids565.800269.100 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

(i) Mercury cleaning bath water.

BPT Limitations for the Primary Precious Metals and Mercury Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of mercury condensed Lead0.5880.280 Mercury0.3500.140 Silver0.5740.238 Zinc2.0440.854 Gold0.140Oil and Grease28.00016.800 Total suspended solids57.40027.300 pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.