Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 282—State Requirements Not Incorporated by Reference in Part 282 of the Code of Federal Regulations

The EPA evaluated the following statutes and regulations that are part of the approved program but are not being incorporated by reference for enforcement purposes and do not replace Federal authorities.


(a) The statutory provisions include:

(1) RCW 70A.355, “Underground Storage Tanks,” Sections 70A.355.005, 020(5), 020(6), 040(2), 050, 060, and 070.

(2) RCW 43.21B, “Environmental Land Use & Hearing Office—Pollution Control Hearings Board” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(b) The regulatory provisions, insofar as these sections identify specific authorities for the implementation, compliance monitoring and enforcement of the underground storage tank program, include:

(1) WAC 173-360A (July 18, 2018), “Underground Storage Tank Regulations,” Sections:

173-360A-0140, “Intergovernmental agreements” 173-360A-0150(24), “Facility compliance tags” 173-360A-0150(54), “Product deliverer” 173-360A-0150(56), “Red tag” 173-360A-0220, “Facility compliance tags” 173-360A-0250, “Compliance monitoring, investigation, and access” 173-360A-0270, “Enforcement” 173-360A-0280, “Delivery Prohibition” 173-360A-0290, “Civil penalties”

(2) WAC 371-08-485(2) and (3), “Practice and Procedure.”

(3) Washington Superior Court Civil Rule 24(a)(2).

[86 FR 57763, Oct. 19, 2021]
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