View all text of Subpart Q [§ 266.600 - § 266.602]
§ 266.602 - Standards for ignitable spent refrigerant recycled for reuse under this subpart.
(a) Persons who recover (i.e., remove from an appliance and store in an external container) and/or recycle ignitable spent refrigerants for reuse either for further use in equipment of the same owner, or in compliance with motor vehicle air conditioner (MVAC) standards in 40 CFR part 82, subpart B, or who send recovered refrigerant off-site to be recycled for reuse must:
(1) Recover and/or recycle for reuse the ignitable spent refrigerant using equipment that is certified for that type of refrigerant and appliance under §§ 82.36 and/or 82.158 of this chapter; and
(2) Not speculatively accumulate the ignitable spent refrigerant per § 261.1(c) of this chapter.
(b) Persons who receive ignitable spent refrigerants from off-site, and are not a transfer facility that stores the refrigerants for less than ten (10) days before sending the refrigerant to another site to be recycled for reuse, must:
(1) If recovering the refrigerant, recover the ignitable spent refrigerant using equipment that is certified for that type of refrigerant and appliance under § 82.36 of this chapter;
(2) Meet the applicable emergency preparedness and response requirements of 40 CFR part 261, subpart M; and
(3) Not speculatively accumulate the ignitable spent refrigerant per § 261.1(c) of this chapter.
(c) Persons receiving ignitable spent refrigerant from off-site to be recycled for reuse under this subpart must:
(1) Maintain certification by EPA under § 82.164 of this chapter;
(2) Meet the applicable emergency preparedness and response requirements of 40 CFR part 261, subpart M; and
(3) Starting with the calendar year beginning January 1, 2029, not speculatively accumulate the ignitable spent refrigerant per § 261.1(c) of this chapter.