- Table W-1 to Subpart W of Part 98—Default Whole Gas Population Emission Factors

Industry segment Source type/component Emission factor
(scf whole gas/
Population Emission Factors—Pneumatic Device Vents and Pneumatic Pumps, Gas Service 1• Onshore petroleum and natural gas productionContinuous Low Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 26.8 • Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boostingContinuous High Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 221 Intermittent Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 28.8 Pneumatic Pumps 313.3 • Onshore natural gas processingContinuous Low Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 26.8 • Onshore natural gas transmission compressionContinuous High Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 230 • Underground natural gas storageIntermittent Bleed Pneumatic Device Vents 22.3 • Natural gas distributionPopulation Emission Factors—Major Equipment, Gas Service 1• Onshore petroleum and natural gas productionWellhead8.87 • Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boostingSeparator9.65 Meters/Piping7.04 Compressor13.8 Dehydrator8.09 Heater5.22 Storage Vessel1.83 Population Emission Factors—Major Equipment, Crude ServiceOnshore petroleum and natural gas productionWellhead4.13 Separator4.77 Meters/Piping12.4 Compressor13.8 Dehydrator8.09 Heater3.2 Storage Vessel1.91 Population Emission Factors—Gathering Pipelines, by Material Type 4Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boostingProtected Steel0.93 Unprotected Steel8.2 Plastic/Composite0.28 Cast Iron8.4

1 For multi-phase flow that includes gas, use the gas service emission factors.

2 Emission factor is in units of “scf whole gas/hour/device.”

3 Emission factor is in units of “scf whole gas/hour/pump.”

4 Emission factors are in units of “scf whole gas/hour/mile of pipeline.”

[89 FR 42323, May 14, 2024]