- Table I-21 to Subpart I of Part 98—Examples of Fluorinated GHGs Used by the Electronics Industry

Table I-21 to Subpart I of Part 98—Examples of Fluorinated GHGs Used by the Electronics Industry

Product type Fluorinated GHGs used during manufacture ElectronicsCF4, C2F6, C3F8, c-C4F8, c-C4F8O, C4F6, C5F8, CHF3, CH2F2, NF3, SF6, and fluorinated HTFs (CF3-(O-CF(CF3)-CF2)n-(O-CF2)m-O-CF3, CnF2n+2, CnF2n+1(O)CmF2m+1, CnF2nO, (CnF2n+1)3N).
[89 FR 31924, Apr. 25, 2024.]