- Table I-11 to Subpart I of Part 98—Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method

Table I-11 to Subpart I of Part 98—Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method

[150 mm and 200 mm Wafers]

All processes Process gas i CF4C2F6CHF3CH2F2C2HF5CH3F C3F8C4F8NF3NF3
SF6C4F6C5F8C4F8O 1-Ui0.790.550.510.130.0640.700.400.120.180.0280.580.0830.0720.14 BCF4NA0.190.0850.0790.077NA0. BC2F60.027NA0.0350.0250.0240.0034NA0.0190.0059NA0.100.0730.0140.045 BC4F8NANANANANANANANANANANANANANA BC3F8NANANANANANANANANANANANANANA BC5F80.00077NA0.0012NANANANA0.0043NANANANANANA BCHF30.0600.0020NA0.049NANANA0.020NANA0.00110.0660.0039NA BF2NANANANANANANANANA0.50NANANANA

Notes: NA = Not applicable; i.e., there are no applicable emission factor measurements for this gas. This does not necessarily imply that a particular gas is not used in or emitted from a particular process sub-type or process type.

[89 FR 31921, Apr. 25, 2024]