- Table A-4 to Subpart A of Part 98—Source Category List for § 98.2(a)(2)

Table A-4 to Subpart A of Part 98—Source Category List for § 98.2(a)(2)

Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2010 and Future Years: Ferroalloy production (subpart K of this part). Glass production (subpart N of this part). Hydrogen production (subpart P of this part). Iron and steel production (subpart Q of this part). Lead production (subpart R of this part). Pulp and paper manufacturing (subpart AA of this part). Zinc production (subpart GG of this part). Additional Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2011 and Future Years: Electronics manufacturing (subpart I of this part). Fluorinated gas production (subpart L of this part). Magnesium production (subpart T of this part). Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (subpart W of this part). Industrial wastewater treatment (subpart II of this part). Electrical transmission and distribution equipment manufacture or refurbishment, as determined under § 98.451 (subpart SS of this part). Industrial waste landfills (subpart TT of this part). Additional Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2025 and Future Years: Ceramics manufacturing facilities, as determined under § 98.520 (subpart ZZ of this part).

a Source categories are defined in each applicable subpart.

[75 FR 39760, July 12, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 74488, Nov. 30, 2010; 75 FR 74817, Dec. 1, 2010; 81 FR 89250, Dec. 9, 2016; 89 FR 31899, Apr. 25, 2024]