- Table A-3 to Subpart A of Part 98—Source Category List for § 98.2(a)(1)
Table A-3 to Subpart A of Part 98—Source Category List for § 98.2
Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2010 and Future Years: | Electricity generation units that report CO | Adipic acid production (subpart E of this part). | Aluminum production (subpart F of this part). | Ammonia manufacturing (subpart G of this part). | Cement production (subpart H of this part). | HCFC-22 production (subpart O of this part). | HFC-23 destruction processes that are not collocated with a HCFC-22 production facility and that destroy more than 2.14 metric tons of HFC-23 per year (subpart O of this part). | Lime manufacturing (subpart S of this part). | Nitric acid production (subpart V of this part). | Petrochemical production (subpart X of this part). | Petroleum refineries (subpart Y of this part). | Phosphoric acid production (subpart Z of this part). | Silicon carbide production (subpart BB of this part). | Soda ash production (subpart CC of this part). | Titanium dioxide production (subpart EE of this part). | Municipal solid waste landfills that generate CH | Manure management systems with combined CH | Additional Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2011 and Future Years: | Electrical transmission and distribution equipment use at facilities where the total estimated emissions from fluorinated GHGs, as determined under § 98.301 (subpart DD of this part), are equivalent to 25,000 metric tons CO | Underground coal mines liberating 36,500,000 actual cubic feet of CH | Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide (subpart RR of this part). | Injection of carbon dioxide (subpart UU of this part). | Additional Source Categories a Applicable in Reporting Year 2025 and Future Years: | Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide with enhanced oil recovery using ISO 27916 (subpart VV of this part). | Coke calciners (subpart WW of this part). | Calcium carbide production (subpart XX of this part). | Caprolactam, glyoxal, and glyoxylic acid production (subpart YY of this part). |
a Source categories are defined in each applicable subpart of this part.