You must calculate and report the annual process CO2 emissions from each ceramics process unit using the procedures in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.
(a) For each ceramics process unit that meets the conditions specified in § 98.33(b)(4)(ii) or (iii), you must calculate and report under this subpart the combined process and combustion CO2 emissions by operating and maintaining a CEMS to measure CO2 emissions according to the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology specified in § 98.33(a)(4) and all associated requirements for Tier 4 in subpart C of this part.
(b) For each ceramics process unit that is not subject to the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, calculate and report the process and combustion CO2 emissions from the ceramics process unit separately by using the procedures specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section, except as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.
(1) For each carbonate-based raw material (including clay) charged to the ceramics process unit, either obtain the mass fractions of any carbonate-based minerals from the supplier of the raw material or by sampling the raw material, or use a default value of 1.0 as the mass fraction for the raw material.
(2) Determine the quantity of each carbonate-based raw material charged to the ceramics process unit.
(3) Apply the appropriate emission factor for each carbonate-based raw material charged to the ceramics process unit. Table 1 to this subpart provides emission factors based on stoichiometric ratios for carbonate-based minerals.
(4) Use equation 1 to this paragraph (b)(4) to calculate process mass emissions of CO2 for each ceramics process unit:
Equation 1 to paragraph (b)(4)
ECO2 = Annual process CO2 emissions (metric tons/year).
Mj = Annual mass of the carbonate-based raw material j consumed (tons/year).
2000/2205 = Conversion factor to convert tons to metric tons.
MFi = Annual average decimal mass fraction of carbonate-based mineral i in carbonate-based raw material j.
EFi = Emission factor for the carbonate-based mineral i, (metric tons CO2/metric ton carbonate, see table 1 to this subpart).
Fi = Decimal fraction of calcination achieved for carbonate-based mineral i, assumed to be equal to 1.0.
i = Index for carbonate-based mineral in each carbonate-based raw material.
j = Index for carbonate-based raw material. (5) Determine the combined annual process CO2 emissions from the ceramic process units at your facility using equation 2 to this paragraph (b)(5):
Equation 2 to paragraph (b)(5)
CO2 = Σk1 ECO2k Where:
CO2 = Annual process CO2 emissions from ceramic process units at a facility (metric tons).
ECO2k = Annual process CO2 emissions calculated from ceramic process unit k calculated using equation 1 to paragraph (b)(4) of this section (metric tons).
k = Total number of ceramic process units at facility. (6) Calculate and report under subpart C of this part the combustion CO2 emissions in the ceramics process unit according to the applicable requirements in subpart C of this part.
(c) A value of 1.0 can be used for the mass fraction (MFi) of carbonate-based mineral i in each carbonate-based raw material j in equation 1 to paragraph (b)(4) of this section. The use of 1.0 for the mass fraction assumes that the carbonate-based raw material comprises 100% of one carbonate-based mineral. As an alternative to the default value, you may use data provided by either the raw material supplier or a lab analysis.