View all text of Part 98 [§ 98.1 - § 98.528]

§ 98.497 - Records that must be retained.

In addition to the records required by § 98.3(g), you must retain the records specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(a) The records of all parameters monitored under § 98.494.

(b) The applicable verification software records as identified in this paragraph (b). You must keep a record of the file generated by the verification software specified in § 98.5(b) for the applicable data specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section. Retention of this file satisfies the recordkeeping requirement for the data in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Monthly mass of green coke fed to the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year) (equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2)).

(2) Monthly mass of marketable petroleum coke produced by the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year) (equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2)).

(3) Monthly mass of petroleum coke dust removed from the process through the dust collection system of the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year) (equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2)).

(4) Average monthly mass fraction carbon content of green coke fed to the coke calcining unit from facility measurement data (metric tons C per metric ton green coke) (equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2)).

(5) Average monthly mass fraction carbon content of marketable petroleum coke produced by the coke calcining unit from facility measurement data (metric tons C per metric ton petroleum coke) (equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2)).