View all text of Part 98 [§ 98.1 - § 98.528]
§ 98.496 - Data reporting requirements.
In addition to the reporting requirements of § 98.3(c), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (a) through (i) of this section for each coke calcining unit.
(a) The unit ID number (if applicable).
(b) Maximum rated throughput of the unit, in metric tons coke calcined/stream day.
(c) The calculated CO
(d) A description of the method used to calculate the CO
(e) Annual mass of green coke fed to the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year).
(f) Annual mass of marketable petroleum coke produced by the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year).
(g) Annual mass of petroleum coke dust removed from the process through the dust collection system of the coke calcining unit from facility records (metric tons/year) and an indication of whether coke dust is recycled to the unit (e.g., all dust is recycled, a portion of the dust is recycled, or none of the dust is recycled).
(h) Annual average mass fraction carbon content of green coke fed to the coke calcining unit from facility measurement data (metric tons C per metric ton green coke).
(i) Annual average mass fraction carbon content of marketable petroleum coke produced by the coke calcining unit from facility measurement data (metric tons C per metric ton petroleum coke).