View all text of Part 98 [§ 98.1 - § 98.528]

§ 98.494 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

(a) Flow meters, gas composition monitors, and heating value monitors that are associated with sources that use a CEMS to measure CO2 emissions according to subpart C of this part or that are associated with stationary combustion sources must meet the applicable monitoring and QA/QC requirements in § 98.34.

(b) Determine the mass of petroleum coke monthly as required by equation 1 to § 98.493(b)(2) using mass measurement equipment meeting the requirements for commercial weighing equipment as described in NIST HB 44-2023 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7). Calibrate the measurement device according to the procedures specified by NIST HB 44-2023 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7) or the procedures specified by the manufacturer. Recalibrate either biennially or at the minimum frequency specified by the manufacturer.

(c) Determine the carbon content of petroleum coke as required by equation 1 § 98.493(b)(2) using any one of the following methods. Calibrate the measurement device according to procedures specified by the method or procedures specified by the measurement device manufacturer.

(1) ASTM D3176-15 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(2) ASTM D5291-16 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(3) ASTM D5373-21 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(d) The owner or operator must document the procedures used to ensure the accuracy of the monitoring systems used including but not limited to calibration of weighing equipment, flow meters, and other measurement devices. The estimated accuracy of measurements made with these devices must also be recorded.