View all text of Part 98 [§ 98.1 - § 98.528]

§ 98.488 - EOR Operations Management Plan.

(a) You must prepare and update, as necessary, a general EOR operations management plan that provides a description of the EOR complex and engineered system (see Clause 4.3(a) of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)), establishes that the EOR complex is adequate to provide safe, long-term containment of CO2, and includes site-specific and other information including:

(1) Geologic characterization of the EOR complex.

(2) A description of the facilities within the CO2-EOR project.

(3) A description of all wells and other engineered features in the CO2-EOR project.

(4) The operations history of the project reservoir.

(5) The information set forth in Clauses 5 and 6 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(b) You must prepare initial documentation at the beginning of the quantification period, and include the following as described in the EOR operations management plan:

(1) A description of the EOR complex and engineered systems (see Clause 5 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(2) The initial containment assurance (see Clause 6.1.2 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(3) The monitoring program (see Clause 6.2 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(4) The quantification method to be used (see Clause 8 and Annex B of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(5) The total mass of previously injected CO2 (if any) within the EOR complex at the beginning of the CO2-EOR project (see Clause 8.5 and Annex B of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(c) The EOR operation management plan in paragraph (a) of this section and initial documentation in paragraph (b) of this section must be submitted to the Administrator with the annual report covering the first reporting year that the facility reports under this subpart. In addition, any documentation provided by a qualified independent engineer or geologist, who certifies that the documentation provided is accurate and complete, must also be provided to the Administrator.

(d) If the EOR operations management plan is updated, the updated EOR management plan must be submitted to the Administrator with the annual report covering the first reporting year for which the updated EOR operation management plan is applicable.