View all text of Subjgrp 377 [§ 63.6009 - § 63.6010]
§ 63.6010 - What are my alternatives for meeting the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must comply with the applicable emission limit for THC in table 15 of this subpart for each rubber processing mixer or a group of rubber processing mixers routed to the same control device, or you must demonstrate compliance by averaging among all mixers and comply with the limit as a facility-wide emission limit.
(b) You must demonstrate compliance with either the emission limit for fPM or the alternative emission limit for total metal HAP in table 15 of this subpart; if you demonstrate compliance with the alternative fPM emission limit, you do not have to demonstrate compliance with the emission limit for metal HAP. You must comply with the applicable emission limit for fPM or metal HAP in table 15 of this subpart for each rubber processing mixer or group of rubber processing mixers routed to the same control device, or you must demonstrate compliance by averaging among all mixers and comply with the limit as a facility-wide emission limit.
(c) For each rubber processing mixer, you must show that the control device and capture system meet the operating limits in table 16 to this subpart.