View all text of Subjgrp 374 [§ 63.6003 - § 63.6004]

§ 63.6004 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources?

(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable limit in Table 1 to this subpart using the methods specified in Table 10 to this subpart.

(b) You must report each instance in which you did not meet an emission limit in table 1 to this subpart. You must also report each instance in which you did not meet the applicable requirements in table 10 to this subpart. These instances are deviations from the emission limits in this subpart. The deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6017(e).

(c) You also must meet the following requirements if you are complying with the purchase alternative for tire production sources described in § 63.5985(a):

(1) If, after you submit the Notification of Compliance Status, you use a cement or solvent for which you have not previously verified percent HAP mass using the methods in § 63.5994(a), you must verify that each cement and solvent used in the affected source meets the emission limit, using any of the methods in § 63.5994(a).

(2) You must update the list of all the cements and solvents used at the affected source.

(3) With the compliance report for the reporting period during which you used the new cement or solvent, you must submit the updated list of all cements and solvents and a statement certifying that, as purchased, each cement and solvent used at the affected source during the reporting period met the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.

[67 FR 45598, July 9, 2002, as amended at 89 FR 94909, Nov. 29, 2024]