
As stated in § 63.1565(c)(1), you shall meet each requirement in the following table that applies to you.

For each new and existing
catalytic cracking unit . . .
Subject to this emission limit for your catalyst regenerator
vent . . .
If you must . . . You shall demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . 1. Subject to the NSPS for carbon monoxide (CO) in 40 CFR 60.103, 60.100(e), or 60.102a(b)(4)CO emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent or CO boiler serving the catalytic cracking unit must not exceed 500 ppmv (dry basis).Continuous emission monitoring systemCollecting the hourly average CO monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the hourly average CO concentration at or below 500 ppmv (dry basis). 2. Not subject to the NSPS for CO in 40 CFR 60.103 or 60.102a(b)(4)a. CO emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent or CO boiler serving the catalytic cracking unit must not exceed 500 ppmv (dry basis).Continuous emission monitoring system.Same as item 1. b. CO emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent or CO boiler serving the catalytic cracking unit must not exceed 500 ppmv (dry basis).Continuous parameter monitoring system.Maintaining the hourly average CO concentration below 500 ppmv (dry basis). c. Visible emissions from a flare must not exceed a total of 5 minutes during any 2-hour period.Control device-flareOn and after January 30, 2019, meeting the requirements of § 63.670. Prior to January 30, 2019, maintaining visible emissions below a total of 5 minutes during any 2-hour operating period, or meeting the requirements of § 63.670.
[80 FR 75302, Dec. 1, 2015]