View all text of Subjgrp 335 [§ 63.5415 - § 63.5435]
§ 63.5425 - When must I start recordkeeping to determine my compliance ratio?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed affected source, you must start recordkeeping to determine your compliance ratio according to one of the schedules listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) If the startup of your new or reconstructed affected source is before February 27, 2002, then you must start recordkeeping to determine your compliance ratio no later than February 27, 2002.
(2) If the startup of your new or reconstructed affected source is after February 27, 2002, then you must start recordkeeping to determine your compliance ratio upon startup of your affected source.
(b) If you have an existing affected source, you must start recordkeeping to determine your compliance ratio no later than February 27, 2004.
(c) If you have a source that becomes a major source of HAP emissions after February 27, 2002, then you must start recordkeeping to determine your compliance ratio immediately upon submitting your Initial Notification, as required at § 63.5415(g).