Subpart GGGG. Subpart GGGG—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Solvent Extraction for Vegetable Oil Production
What This Subpart Covers
- SECTION § 63.2830 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
- SECTION § 63.2831 - Where can I find definitions of key words used in this subpart?
- SECTION § 63.2832 - Am I subject to this subpart?
- SECTION § 63.2833 - Is my source categorized as existing or new?
- SECTION § 63.2834 - When do I have to comply with the standards in this subpart?
Compliance Requirements
- SECTION § 63.2850 - How do I comply with the hazardous air pollutant emission standards?
- SECTION § 63.2851 - What is a plan for demonstrating compliance?
- SECTION § 63.2852 - What is a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan?
- SECTION § 63.2853 -
- SECTION § 63.2854 - How do I determine the weighted average volume fraction of HAP in the actual solvent loss?
- SECTION § 63.2855 - How do I determine the quantity of oilseed processed?
Notifications, Reports, and Records
Other Requirements and Information