Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 3020—Pro Forma N-Case Procedural Schedule
Line | Action | Day number | 1 | Pre-Filing Consultations 1 | n/a. | 2 | Commission Order 2 | n/a. | 3 | Filing of Postal Service Request | 0. | 4 | Commission Notice and Order 3 | 1-3. | 5 | Technical Conference | 10. | 6 | Participant Discovery on Postal Service Case Ends | 28. | 7 | Responses to Participant Discovery on Postal Service Case | 35. | 8 | Participants Confirm Intent to File a Rebuttal Case | 37. 4 | 9 | Filing of Rebuttal Cases (if submitted) | 42. | 10 | Deadline for Motions to Leave to File Surrebuttal | 44. 5 | 11 | Deadline for Answers to Motions for Surrebuttal | 46. | 12 | Filing of Surrebuttal Cases (if authorized) | 49. 6 | 13 | Hearings: | Hearings (with no Rebuttal Cases) | 42-44. | Hearings (with Rebuttal Cases, but no requests for leave to file Surrebuttal Cases) | 49-51. | Hearings (with Rebuttal Cases and requests for leave to file Surrebuttal Cases) | 54-56. | 14 | Initial Briefs | (7 days after conclusion of hearings). | 15 | Reply Briefs | (7 days after filing of Initial Briefs). | 16 | Target Issuance Date of Advisory Opinion | 90. |
1 The Postal Service would initiate pre-filing consultations and would file a notice with the Commission of such consultations prior to their commencement.
2 This order would appoint a Public Representative.
3 This notice and order would announce the Postal Service request, set a deadline for interventions, set a date for a technical conference, and establish a procedural schedule.
4 If no participant elects to file a rebuttal case, hearings begin on Day 42.
5 If no surrebuttal cases are requested, hearings begin on Day 49.
6 If one or more surrebuttal cases are requested (whether or not authorized by the Commission), hearings begin on Day 54.