Subjgrp 10. Disclosures Without Patient Consent
- § 1.481 - Disclosure of medical records of veterans who receive non-VA health care.
- § 1.482 - Disclosure of medical records to recover or collect reasonable charges.
- § 1.483 - Disclosure of information to participate in state prescription drug monitoring programs.
- § 1.484 - Disclosure of medical information to the surrogate of a patient who lacks decision-making capacity.
- § 1.485 - Medical emergencies.
- § 1.485a - Eye, organ and tissue donation.
- § 1.486 - Disclosure of information related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus to public health authorities.
- § 1.487 - Disclosure of information related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus to the spouse or sexual partner of the patient.
- § 1.488 - Research activities.
- § 1.489 - Audit and evaluation activities.