View all text of Part 1258 [§ 1258.1 - § 1258.18]
§ 1258.12 - When does NARA provide records reproductions without charge?
At the discretion of the Secretary of the NATF, customers are not charged a fee for records reproductions or certifications in the instances described in this section.
(a) When NARA furnishes copies of records to other elements of the Federal Government. However, a fee may be charged if the appropriate director determines that the service cannot be performed without reimbursement;
(b) When NARA wishes to disseminate information about its activities to the general public through press, radio, television, and newsreel representatives;
(c) When the reproduction is to furnish the donor of a document or other gift with a copy of the original;
(d) When the reproduction is for individuals or associations having official voluntary or cooperative relations with NARA in its work;
(e) When the reproduction is for a foreign, State, or local government or an international agency and furnishing it without charge is an appropriate courtesy; and
(f) For records of other Federal agencies in NARA Federal records centers only:
(1) When furnishing the service free conforms to generally established business custom, such as furnishing personal reference data to prospective employers of former Government employees;
(2) When the reproduction of not more than one copy of the document is required to obtain from the Government financial benefits to which the requesting person may be entitled (e.g., veterans or their dependents, employees with workmen's compensation claims, or persons insured by the Government);
(3) When the reproduction of not more than one copy of a hearing or other formal proceeding involving security requirements for Federal employment is requested by a person directly concerned in the hearing or proceeding; and
(4) When the reproduction of not more than one copy of a document is for a person who has been required to furnish a personal document to the Government (e.g., a birth certificate required to be given to an agency where the original cannot be returned to the individual).