View all text of Part 14 [§ 14.1 - § 14.19]

§ 14.2 - Definitions for this part.

Applicant means an entity that has submitted an application for a right-of-way permit or an application for a special use permit for construction.

Co-location means the placement of infrastructure on or in authorized infrastructure owned or controlled by another or within an area authorized for use by another.

Entity means a party including, but not limited to, Federal, State, and local governments, Tribes, citizens, and organizations of the United States, including corporations, associations, partnerships, and non-profit organizations.

Infrastructure means public utilities and power and communications facilities, as described in 54 U.S.C. 100902, and any other equipment, facility, installation or use that the NPS may authorize under a right-of-way permit.

Operation and maintenance means the use of infrastructure for purposes specifically authorized in a right-of-way permit, including means of access and actions associated with its service on a routine and on-going basis to ensure good order, safe conditions, and timely repair.

Permitted area means the land or water mapped, described, and authorized for use of lands and waters, and operation and maintenance in a right-of-way permit or for construction in a special use permit for construction, and may include routes and means of access.

Permittee means an entity that holds a current, fully executed right-of-way permit or a special use permit for construction.

Right-of-way permit means a discretionary and revocable special use permit issued by the NPS to authorize the use of lands and waters, and operation and maintenance. A right-of-way permit does not grant, convey, or imply transfer of title to any interest in, including a leasehold or easement interest in, the lands or waters authorized for use.

Special use permit for construction means a discretionary and revocable special use permit issued by the NPS to authorize the construction of infrastructure, or construction activities associated with infrastructure, within the National Park System. A special use permit for construction does not grant, convey, or imply transfer of title to any interest in, including a leasehold or easement interest in, the lands or waters authorized for use.