View all text of Part 14 [§ 14.1 - § 14.19]
§ 14.16 - Trespass.
(a) Any uses, activities, or infrastructure not specifically authorized under a valid right-of-way permit or other legal authorization are prohibited and considered a trespass against the United States.
(b) The NPS may require an entity in trespass to immediately remove any of its infrastructure in trespass or cease the uses or associated activities and may pursue any additional legal remedy, penalty, or fees available.
(c) The NPS may continue to enforce the terms and conditions of an expired right-of-way permit, including collection of cost recovery and use and occupancy fees. An entity with an expired right-of-way permit has no authorization for continued use of lands and waters, and operation and maintenance, and those uses and associated infrastructure are considered a trespass.
(d) The NPS may require an entity to apply for a permit to authorize maintenance activities on infrastructure considered in trespass. Any permit issued for maintenance will not authorize the presence of the infrastructure. A maintenance permit will be considered only for activities that are required to maintain the safety of the infrastructure, and to protect public health and safety, visitor experience, or the resources and values of the park area.