View all text of Part 14 [§ 14.1 - § 14.19]

§ 14.13 - Right-of-way permit transfer.

(a) Right-of-way permit transfers are necessary when a current permittee intends to convey ownership or control of and responsibility for the use and lands and waters, and operation and maintenance to a new entity.

(b) The NPS will not consider a transfer request until both of the following have occurred:

(1) The current permittee has provided a written request to the NPS that is signed by a representative legally authorized to bind the permittee, that contains the permit number and a statement clearly describing the reason for the requested transfer.

(2) The new entity has provided the NPS with written notice of its acceptance of and agreement to comply with the terms and conditions of the existing right-of-way permit. The written notice must be signed by a representative legally authorized to bind the new entity, and must contain the following information:

(i) Name of the entity;

(ii) Address and phone number of the entity;

(iii) Name, title, and contact information of the representative of the entity assuming responsibility for the right-of-way permit;

(iv) Statement affirming that the existing permitted uses, permitted areas, and purposes specified in the right-of-way permit remain the same;

(v) Proof of acceptable financial assurance and liability insurance, if required as a condition of the right-of-way permit, or requested as a modification by the NPS;

(vi) Proof of eligibility and suitability to hold a right-of-way permit as required by § 14.4 and § 14.5 of this part; and

(vii) Any additional information that the NPS may require by written request.

(c) The decision to approve a transfer is at the discretion of the NPS. A right-of-way permit transfer will be documented as an amendment to the existing right-of-way permit and will be reviewed and executed using the procedures that apply to the review and execution of right-of-way permits in paragraphs (a)-(d) in § 14.5 of this part.

(d) Unless and until a transfer is approved in writing by the NPS, the current permittee named on the right-of-way permit will remain responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of the right-of-way permit, including all financial obligations.