View all text of Part 14 [§ 14.1 - § 14.19]

§ 14.12 - Right-of-way permit renewal.

(a) Right-of-way permit renewal means the issuance of a new, separate, consecutive right-of-way permit, in response to a timely right-of-way permit application, for a new term and with new terms and conditions, as applicable.

(b) A permittee must submit a new, complete right-of-way permit application to continue use of lands and waters, and operation and maintenance of infrastructure beyond the term of a current right-of-way permit, unless the current right-of-way permit is extended under § 14.14(c) of this part.

(1) Permittees are encouraged to submit a timely, complete application at least six months prior to expiration of their current right-of-way permit.

(2) Renewal applications must meet the criteria in § 14.4 of this part.

(3) The term of a right-of-way permit may only be reset for a new and continuous term by renewal.

(4) The decision to renew a right-of-way permit is at the discretion of the NPS.

(c) If a right-of-way permit expires prior to issuance of a renewal, the infrastructure that had been authorized under the right-of-way permit will, upon expiration, be considered in trespass under § 14.16 of this part.