Subjgrp 136. Provision and Scope of Services
- § 361.41 - Processing referrals and applications.
- § 361.42 - Assessment for determining eligibility and priority for services.
- § 361.43 - Procedures for ineligibility determination.
- § 361.44 - Closure without eligibility determination.
- § 361.45 - Development of the individualized plan for employment.
- § 361.46 - Content of the individualized plan for employment.
- § 361.47 - Record of services.
- § 361.48 - Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.
- § 361.49 - Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for groups of individuals with disabilities.
- § 361.50 - Written policies governing the provision of services for individuals with disabilities.
- § 361.51 - Standards for facilities and providers of services.
- § 361.52 - Informed choice.
- § 361.53 - Comparable services and benefits.
- § 361.54 - Participation of individuals in cost of services based on financial need.
- § 361.55 - Semi-annual and annual review of individuals in extended employment and other employment under special certificate provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- § 361.56 - Requirements for closing the record of services of an individual who has achieved an employment outcome.
- § 361.57 - Review of determinations made by designated State unit personnel.