Subpart B. Subpart B—State Eligibility
FAPE Requirements
Other FAPE Requirements
- SECTION § 300.103 - FAPE—methods and payments.
- SECTION § 300.104 - Residential placement
- SECTION § 300.105 - Assistive technology.
- SECTION § 300.106 - Extended school year services.
- SECTION § 300.107 - Nonacademic services.
- SECTION § 300.108 - Physical education.
- SECTION § 300.109 - Full educational opportunity goal (FEOG).
- SECTION § 300.110 - Program options.
- SECTION § 300.111 - Child find.
- SECTION § 300.112 - Individualized education programs (IEP).
- SECTION § 300.113 - Routine checking of hearing aids and external components of surgically implanted medical devices.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- SECTION § 300.114 - LRE requirements.
- SECTION § 300.115 - Continuum of alternative placements.
- SECTION § 300.116 - Placements.
- SECTION § 300.117 - Nonacademic settings.
- SECTION § 300.118 - Children in public or private institutions.
- SECTION § 300.119 - Technical assistance and training activities.
- SECTION § 300.120 - Monitoring activities.
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- SECTION § 300.155 - Hearings relating to LEA eligibility.
- SECTION § 300.156 - Personnel qualifications.
- SECTION § 300.157 - Performance goals and indicators.
- SECTION §§ 300.158-300.159 - §[Reserved]
- SECTION § 300.160 - Participation in assessments.
- SECTION § 300.161 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 300.162 - Supplementation of State, local, and other Federal funds.
- SECTION § 300.163 - Maintenance of State financial support.
- SECTION § 300.164 - Waiver of requirement regarding supplementing and not supplanting with Part B funds.
- SECTION § 300.165 - Public participation.
- SECTION § 300.166 - Rule of construction.
Children in Private Schools
Children With Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools
- SECTION § 300.130 - Definition of parentally-placed private school children with disabilities.
- SECTION § 300.131 - Child find for parentally-placed private school children with disabilities.
- SECTION § 300.132 - Provision of services for parentally-placed private school children with disabilities—basic requirement.
- SECTION § 300.133 - Expenditures.
- SECTION § 300.134 - Consultation.
- SECTION § 300.135 - Written affirmation.
- SECTION § 300.136 - Compliance.
- SECTION § 300.137 - Equitable services determined.
- SECTION § 300.138 - Equitable services provided.
- SECTION § 300.139 - Location of services and transportation.
- SECTION § 300.140 - Due process complaints and State complaints.
- SECTION § 300.141 - Requirement that funds not benefit a private school.
- SECTION § 300.142 - Use of personnel.
- SECTION § 300.143 - Separate classes prohibited.
- SECTION § 300.144 - Property, equipment, and supplies.
Children With Disabilities in Private Schools Placed or Referred by Public Agencies
Children With Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools When FAPE Is at Issue
SEA Responsibility for General Supervision and Implementation of Procedural Safeguards
State Complaint Procedures
Methods of Ensuring Services
State Advisory Panel
Other Provisions Required for State Eligibility
- SECTION § 300.170 - Suspension and expulsion rates.
- SECTION § 300.171 - Annual description of use of Part B funds.
- SECTION § 300.172 - Access to instructional materials.
- SECTION § 300.173 - Overidentification and disproportionality.
- SECTION § 300.174 - Prohibition on mandatory medication.
- SECTION § 300.175 - SEA as provider of FAPE or direct services.
- SECTION § 300.176 - Exception for prior State plans.
- SECTION § 300.177 -
Department Procedures
- SECTION § 300.178 - Determination by the Secretary that a State is eligible to receive a grant.
- SECTION § 300.179 - Notice and hearing before determining that a State is not eligible to receive a grant.
- SECTION § 300.180 - Hearing official or panel.
- SECTION § 300.181 - Hearing procedures.
- SECTION § 300.182 - Initial decision; final decision.
- SECTION § 300.183 - Filing requirements.
- SECTION § 300.184 - Judicial review.
- SECTION § 300.185 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 300.186 - Assistance under other Federal programs.
By-pass for Children in Private Schools
- SECTION § 300.190 - By-pass—general.
- SECTION § 300.191 - Provisions for services under a by-pass.
- SECTION § 300.192 - Notice of intent to implement a by-pass.
- SECTION § 300.193 - Request to show cause.
- SECTION § 300.194 - Show cause hearing.
- SECTION § 300.195 - Decision.
- SECTION § 300.196 - Filing requirements.
- SECTION § 300.197 - Judicial review.
- SECTION § 300.198 - Continuation of a by-pass.
State Administration