View all text of Part 234 [§ 234.1 - § 234.11]
§ 234.11 - Select the recommended plan.
(a) Recommended plan. (1) Plan selection will require decision-makers to assess tradeoffs and to consider the extent of both monetized and non-monetized effects. The basis for selection of the recommended plan should be fully reported and documented in a transparent manner, including the criteria and considerations used. This section must provide a discussion about the extent to which the alternatives achieve the Federal Objective and maximize net public benefits to society. The report must include an explanation of the assumptions in the evaluation of monetized and non-monetized benefits and costs. This section will include a summary of elicited Tribal Nation and stakeholder perspectives on the alternatives and their effects.
(2) The Corps should recommend:
(i) Authorization of an alternative project, program, or plan;
(ii) Implementation of an alternative under existing law;
(iii) Implementation of a project, program or plan by others; or
(iv) No action.
(3) In its studies, the Corps shall analyze, evaluate, fully consider, and justify each separable element of the proposed investment independently of the other separable elements, based on its social, environmental, and economic benefits and costs to society.
(4) The Corps should seek to meet water resources objectives and maximize net public benefits, relative to public costs. It is possible that more than one alternative might reasonably and approximately meet these conditions. “Net public benefits” implies that the anticipated benefits will be presented relative to the costs associated with the accrual of those benefits. Net public benefits can include both quantified and non-quantified benefits. Any recommendation will clearly delineate the Federal water resources project(s) or actions being recommended, including any condition precedent for construction.
(b) Exceptions. A recommended plan for a Federal water resources investment that does not maximize net public benefits requires an exception from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. Requests for exception should describe the project or activity, the rationale for the exception, and present relevant data and analysis to support the request.