View all text of Subjgrp 245 [§ 183.510 - § 183.542]

§ 183.524 - Fuel pumps.

(a) Each diaphragm pump must not leak fuel from the pump if the primary diaphragm fails.

(b) Each electrically operated fuel pump must not operate except when the engine is operating or when the engine is started.

(c) If tested under § 183.590, each fuel pump, as installed in the boat, must not leak more than five ounces of fuel in 2 1/2 minutes, inclusive of leaks from fuel line, fuel filter and strainer.

[CGD 74-209, 42 span 5950, Jan. 31, 1977, as amended by CGD 77-98, 42 span 36253, July 14, 1977]