View all text of Subjgrp 245 [§ 183.510 - § 183.542]

§ 183.510 - Fuel tanks.

(a) Each fuel tank in a boat must have been tested by its manufacturer under § 183.580 and not leak when subjected to the pressure marked on the tank label under § 183.514(b)(5).

(b) Each fuel tank must not leak if subjected to the fire test under § 183.590. Leakage is determined by the static pressure test under § 183.580, except that the test pressure must be at least one-fourth PSIG.

(c) Each fuel tank of less than 25 gallons capacity must not leak if tested under § 183.584.

(d) Each fuel tank with a capacity of 25 to 199 gallons must not leak if tested under § 183.586.

(e) Each fuel tank of 200 gallons capacity or more must not leak if tested under §§ 183.586 and 183.588.

[CGD 74-209, 42 FR 5950, Jan. 31, 1977, as amended by CGD 81-092, 48 FR 55736, Dec. 15, 1983]