View all text of Subjgrp 227 [§ 167.400 - § 167.1703]
§ 167.1303 - In the approaches to the Strait of Juan de Fuca: Precautionary area “JF.”
In the approaches to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, precautionary area “JF” is established and is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
48°32.09′ N | 125°04.67′ W | 48°30.10′ N | 125°04.67′ W | 48°29.11′ N | 125°04.67′ W | 48°28.13′ N | 125°04.67′ W | 48°27.63′ N | 125°03.38′ W | 48°27.14′ N | 125°02.08′ W | 48°26.64′ N | 125°00.81′ W | 48°28.13′ N | 124°57.90′ W | 48°29.11′ N | 125°00.00′ W | 48°30.10′ N | 125°00.00′ W | 48°32.09′ N | 125°00.00′ W | 48°32.09′ N | 125°04.67′ W |