View all text of Subjgrp 219 [§ 165.14-1414 - § 165.1419]

§ 165.1406 - Safety Zone: Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF), Barking Sands, Island of Kauai, Hawaii.

(a) Location. The following area is established as a safety zone during launch operations at PMRF, Kauai, Hawaii: The waters bounded by the following coordinates: (22°01.2′ N, 159°47.3′ W), (22°01.2′ N, 159°50.7′ W), (22°06.3′ N, 159°50.7′ W), (22°06.3′ N, 159°44.8′ W). (Datum: OHD)

(b) Activation. The above safety zone will be activated during launch operations at PMRF, Kauai, Hawaii. The Coast Guard will provide notice that the safety zone will be activated through published and broadcast local notice to mariners prior to scheduled launch dates.

(c) Regulation. The area described in paragraph (a) of this section will be closed to all vessels and persons, except those vessels and persons authorized by the Commander, Fourteenth Coast Guard District, or the Captain of the Port (COTP) Honolulu, Hawaii, whenever Strategic Target System (STARS) vehicles are to be launched by the United States Government from the PMRF, Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii.

(d) The general regulations governing safety zones contained in 33 CFR 165.23 apply.

[CGD14 92-05, 57 FR 54508, Nov. 19, 1992, as amended by CGD 96-026, 61 FR 33669, June 28, 1996]