View all text of Subjgrp 213 [§ 165.701 - § 165.792]
§ 165.714 - Regulated Navigation Area; Atlantic Ocean, Charleston, SC.
(a) Location. The following area is a Regulated Navigation Area: A trapezoid at the water surface, and the entire water column from surface to seabed inclusive of the vessel, bounded by the following four coordinates:
Latitude | Longitude | Western boundary | 32°42′56″ N | 79°47′34″ W | Southern boundary | 32°42′32″ N | 79°46′42″ W | Eastern boundary | 32°43′26″ N | 79°45′27″ W | Northern boundary | 32°43′56″ N | 79°46′08″ W |
(NAD 83)
(b) Regulations. In accordance with the general regulations in § 165.23 of this part, all vessels and persons are prohibited from anchoring, diving, laying cable or conducting salvage operations in this zone except as authorized by the Captain of the Port.