View all text of Subpart B [§ 158.200 - § 158.250]

§ 158.240 - Ship repair yards.

The reception facility that services oceangoing ships using a ship repair yard must have a capacity for receiving—

(a) An amount of ballast from bunker tanks, and the wash water and oil residue from the cleaning of bunker tanks and oil residue (sludge) tanks, equal to 8 percent of the bunker capacity of the largest oceangoing ship serviced;

(b) An amount of solid oil cargo residues from cargo tanks equal to 0.1 percent of the deadweight tonnage of the largest oceangoing tanker serviced;

(c) An amount of ballast water containing oily mixtures and wash water from in-port tank washing equal to—

(1) 1,500 metric tons (1,650 short tons), or;

(2) 4 1/2% of the deadweight tonnage of the largest oceangoing tanker serviced; and

(d) An amount of liquid oil cargo residue based on the following percentages of deadweight tonnage of the largest oceangoing tanker serviced:

(1) For crude oil oceangoing tankers, 1%.

(2) For black product oceangoing tankers, 0.5%

(3) For white product oceangoing tankers, 0.2%

[CGD 78-035, 50 span 36793, Sept. 9, 1985, as amended by USCG-2000-7641, 66 span 55574, Nov. 2, 2001]