View all text of Subpart B [§ 138.200 - § 138.240]
§ 138.240 - Procedure for updating limits of liability to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index (Annual CPI-U) and statutory changes.
(a) Update and publication. The Director, NPFC, will periodically adjust the limits of liability set forth in § 138.230(a) through (c) to reflect significant increases in the Annual CPI-U, according to the procedure for calculating limit of liability inflation adjustments set forth in paragraphs (b)-(d) of this section, and will publish the inflation-adjusted limits of liability and any statutory amendments to those limits of liability in the
(b) Formula for calculating a cumulative percent change in the Annual CPI-U. (1) The Director, NPFC, calculates the cumulative percent change in the Annual CPI-U from the year the limit of liability was established, or last adjusted by statute or regulation, whichever is later (i.e., the previous period), to the most recently published Annual CPI-U (i.e., the current period), using the following escalation formula:
Percent change in the Annual CPI-U = [(Annual CPI-U for Current Period−Annual CPI-U for Previous Period) ÷ Annual CPI-U for Previous Period] × 100.(2) The cumulative percent change value calculated using the formula in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is rounded to one decimal place.
(c) Significance threshold. Not later than every three years from the year the limits of liability were last adjusted for inflation, the Director, NPFC, will evaluate whether the cumulative percent change in the Annual CPI-U since that date has reached a significance threshold of 3 percent or greater. For any three-year period in which the cumulative percent change in the Annual CPI-U is less than 3 percent, the Director, NPFC, will publish a notice of no inflation adjustment to the limits of liability in the
(d) Formula for calculating inflation adjustments. The Director, NPFC, calculates adjustments to the limits of liability in § 138.230 for inflation using the following formula:
New limit of liability = Previous limit of liability + (Previous limit of liability × percent change in the Annual CPI-U calculated under paragraph (b) of this section), then rounded to the closest $100.